Your teachers trust you to find the best Diversity and Character education assembly show for your school. That’s a tough job. But Diversity Circus is a great solution for a live and in person assembly show or streamed as a pre-recorded virtual assembly show.
What’s right for one school may not be right for your school. So why not pick a proven assembly show that’s been the rave of thousands of teachers and hundreds of principals for over a decade? Diversity Circus has become the most in-demand character education assembly show in Michigan. It’s a powerful character show that teaches students that everyone belongs.
“If I sat down with a team of top teachers and principals, we could never come up with a diversity show as good as this. It’s flawless.”
– Don Tobe, Retired Principal, Greenfield Elementary School, Birmingham, Michigan
Get all the info you need to make the best choice for your school. Whether you need virtual assemblies or a live show, just click the button below and fill out the contact form, or give me, Doug, a call at (248) 891-1900 and I’ll answer all your questions about bringing this show to you live or streamed virtually to you on the platform of your choice.
Here’s a personal story. When my son was diagnosed with autism at the age of three, my life changed. Our family was turned upside down and everything we did at home took a dramatic left turn. Our plans changed. Our diets changed. Our lives became focused on getting our boy the best possible care. I turned my creative energy into making sure acceptance was a key lesson in one of my assembly shows, not just for my boy, but for all kids who are considered “different”. Diversity Circus was born our of my desire to make sure my boy was accepted and included by other kids. Certainly, I don’t share this story in performance, but I’ve added it here for you to understand my passion for the messages in this show: acceptance and understanding of all people -that’s what the Diversity Circus assembly show is all about.
“We LOVE the Diversity Circus assembly at our school. We have an early childhood population (ages 4-6) and the program is always adjusted very nicely to meet the needs of our audience! I highly recommend Doug Scheer’s Diversity Circus for elementary school assemblies up through 6th grade.”
– Susan Ford, Principal, Lathers Elementary, Garden City, Michigan
There are a ton of character shows on the elementary school market for Michigan schools. Most focus on defining character traits and explaining how those traits are used everyday. Diversity Circus goes deeper than that and shows that while all people are different we are also the same.
This assembly show is like a carnival that celebrates character. Kids learn that getting along is what’s most important in our communities and schools. Kids learn to celebrate differences and appreciate the gifts every culture has to offer. But diversity is so much more than skin color or heritage. It’s celebrating what makes every individual unique and wonderful.
Our students loved (the virtual version of this show) and it would definitely be an assembly I would bring back once we are in person.
– Carly Ashnault -School Counselor, Riley Elementary School, South Plainfield, NJ
Diversity doesn’t just mean what most people think. Diversity is all around us every day. Sure, people are from different backgrounds and cultures and the children in your school are a melting pot of nationalities. But acceptance and understanding of others goes beyond what people can see on the outside. Just like Dr Martin Luther King Jr. taught us, the content of our character is what matters most.
That makes this show perfect for celebrating the teachings of Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, for your school’s Black History Month celebration or simply as anytime support to your character education efforts. F.A.I.R. is the lesson in Diversity Circus and it’s what Dr King spoke so passionately about throughout his career. Fair, Aware, Include, Respect. Those are the key lessons in this spectacular diversity show that features tons of audience participation, incredible one-of-a-kind magical illusions, and hysterical action that kids talk about long after the show is over.
It’s the greatest diversity circus show on earth! These lessons easily lend themselves to supporting your school’s bully proofing efforts.
FAIR – Learning not to judge others or make guesses about them.
AWARE – Understanding what’s inside is what matters most.
INCLUDE – Thinking of others first is the secret to getting along.
RESPECT – Aesop’s fable of the Lion and the Mouse magically brought to life.
“A Doug Scheer show is a guaranteed success in your school! As an elementary principal, I am always looking for good-quality shows for my students. Unfortunately you never know what you’re going to get until it’s too late, after the show! Doug and his shows are a sure bet! The kids will love him for the exciting, hilarious entertainment! The teachers will love him for his funny and positive interactions with students! You will love him for his great character messages to students and for his professionalism! We invite Doug each year for a different show (they are all good!) and each year the students are more and more amazed!”
– Sam Argiri, Principal, Mark Twain Elementary, Fraser, Michigan
I know you have questions so please fill out my contact form and I’ll rush pricing over to you for this show and all of my Michigan assembly shows. Are you outside of Michigan? Don’t worry. Our virtual presentations for elementary schools are available worldwide 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For live shows, we also travel to surrounding midwest states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois often and venture as far as the east coast including New Jersey, New York, and Maryland, and Long Island, New York. If it’s easier to call, then drop me a line, Doug, at (248) 891-1900.
Everybody loves the circus and while elephants no longer travel under the big top, a giant chicken and a few other fluffy, costumed characters do. They help teach the lessons lead by Smudgy the Clown and her ringmaster sidekick. Kids identify with Smudgy as the comedy relief in this highly interactive four act circus show: one of the students in your school becomes the World’s Strongest Kid, another becomes partially invisible, and two more magically transform into one another while dressed in hysterical, body-covering, fluffy lion and mouse costumes. You won’t know if you’re laughing or learning more.
“I got so caught up in what you were doing, I completely lost track of time. You had me, every student, and every teacher completely enthralled. This is one of the best character shows we have ever had here at Hickory Woods. Scratch that. It was one of the best assembly shows we’ve ever had.”
– Patricia Werner, former principal, Hickory Woods Elementary, Walled Lake, Michigan
The forty-five minutes flies by, but the best part is that the students can watch the show over and over again with our optional take-home DVD and graphic novel. As a money saving item our completely optional DVD/Graphic novel package can make Diversity Circus 100% FREE to your school. FREE. That means your school may qualify for our “Treat Others First” option where another school pays for your show, making your out-of-pocket cost ZERO. Sure, you can still pay full price (that’s a popular option) but many schools opt to do a little extra work and they get the show for no money down and no payment ever! If you choose this option, you can expect about 30% of your students to participate with minimal effort on your part. Why not give it a try?
Let’s talk. Your teachers will love the lessons, the students will love the fun, and you will love knowing you’ve found one of the best character education assembly shows in Michigan. When you’re ready to get started, fill out the contact form and I’ll rush pricing and more information to you immediately. If you have questions, try me on my cell, call or text , Doug, (248) 891-1900.