Understanding Diversity Sets Children Up for Social Success

In our popular Diversity Circus elementary school assembly show, we teach  students to be F.A.I.R. and stress important character traits like respect and inclusion.

Elementary schools need to teach children to accept and appreciate differences.

In our ever-evolving society, the concept of diversity has taken on a new dimension. When we hear the term “diversity,” we often associate it only with aspects such as skin color, culture or identity. However, limiting diversity to these few categories would not do justice to its true essence. True diversity goes beyond physical characteristics and beliefs and instead celebrates the uniqueness of each individual.

In our elementary appropriate school assembly show we teach kids to be F.A.I.R.

In our popular Diversity Circus elementary school assembly show, we have been eagerly teaching lessons about diversity for nearly 20 years. Through a captivating circus-style magic and illusion show, we not only provide entertainment, but also teach young people important character traits. Our goal is to foster Fairness, Awareness, Inclusion and Respect in the hearts of children.

In our popular Diversity Circus elementary school assembly show, we teach  students to be F.A.I.R. and stress important character traits like respect and inclusion.

When we teach about FAIRNESS, we encourage children not to make assumptions about others. We emphasize the importance of each individual having the opportunity to showcase their skills and talents, rather than making snap judgments about their worth. In this way, we foster an environment where everyone feels valued and recognized for their unique contributions.

AWARENESS is another important facet of diversity. We point out to children that while we are all inherently different, we also have things in common. In keeping with the teachings of the great Martin Luther King Jr. we challenge young people to look beyond the external and seek to understand the essence of a person. By focusing on inner qualities, we encourage children to develop empathy and a genuine appreciation for the richness of human experience.

INCLUSION is a cornerstone of our message. We challenge children to prioritize the needs and perspectives of others over their own. This can be as simple as allowing them to cut in line or giving others a chance to play on the swings first. By fostering a sense of inclusion, children learn the importance of sharing, being kind, and accepting diversity of ideas and backgrounds.

Finally, we emphasize the importance of RESPECT. In our show, we emphasize the golden rule of treating others as you would want to be treated. By fostering a culture of respect, we empower children to navigate the complexities of a diverse world with grace and compassion.

Diversity is part of everything.

In our popular Diversity Circus elementary school assembly show, we teach  students to be F.A.I.R. and stress important character traits like respect and inclusion.

Our message may seem simple, but it has tremendous power. Our goal is to equip children to navigate an increasingly interconnected and diverse world. By embracing the principles of fairness, awareness, inclusion and respect, we are breeding a generation of people who appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of each person they encounter.

To schedule our Diversity Circus Assembly Show or one of our other character building programs, visit our website at www.assemblyshows.com. Or just give me a call (248) 891-1900

Let’s work together to promote understanding, acceptance and unity in our diverse world.