The versatility of homeschooling allows you to explore the limitless possibilities of learning with online assembly shows.

Online Assembly Shows and The Versatility of Homeschooling

The versatility of homeschooling: exploring the limitless possibilities of learning with online assembly shows Assembly shows and field trips for homeschoolers ...
In our popular Diversity Circus elementary school assembly show, we teach students to be F.A.I.R. and stress important character traits like respect and inclusion.

Understanding Diversity Sets Children Up for Social Success

Elementary schools need to teach children to accept and appreciate differences. In our ever-evolving society, the concept of diversity has ...
Doug Scheer, a school assembly performer, has performed over 8,000 shows throughout his 35 year career.

Would you believe it if a school assembly performer said he’s performed over 8000 shows?

Carowinds Amusement park--working outdoors in the summer heat. Five shows a day. Have you ever come across an entertainer's website ...
Uncle Sam's Comedy Jam Assembly Show is the perfect school assembly show to teach about The US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Uncle Sam’s Comedy Jam Assembly Show: A Magical Journey Through the United States Constitution

The perfect school assembly show that teaches about The US Constitution and Bill of Rights In the realm of education, ...
When selecting an assembly show, like Scheer Genius, it is crucial to consider both education and entertainment.

The Best Way to Evaluate an Assembly Show

Where do you begin when starting your search for excellent assembly shows? Coordinating and scheduling assembly shows for an elementary ...
At Scheer Genius Assembly Shows, we understand the importance of this crucial stage and have put together three exceptional programs tailored specifically for elementary schools.

Empower Students for a Successful School Year with Three Great Assembly Shows

Empower Students for a Successful School Year with three Great Assembly Shows At the beginning of the school year, elementary ...
Doug Scheer showcases how Scheer Genius's family magic and illusion show at the historic Coswell Opera House turned a tray of hot dogs into real magic.

How a Tray of Hot Dogs Became Real Magic

Every year, as August rolls around, we have the privilege of showcasing our family magic and illusion show at the ...
Are School Assembly Shows Truly Beneficial? 

Are School Assembly Shows Truly Beneficial? 

"People often say that motivation does not last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily." ~ ...
March is Reading Month

March is Reading Month

Action photo of Adventures in Reading show being streamed live to an elementary school in Ohio.  Reading is Magic! (or ...
Meet Lise Lacasse of Scheer Genius Assembly Shows.

Meet part of the team that makes up Scheer Genius Assembly Shows

One look at Lise Lacasse is enough to know you're in for something special. From the first moment of a ...
The best elementary school assembly shows (like Scheer Genius( provide many benefits for students.

Benefits of Assembly Shows Are Often Overlooked

The best elementary school assembly shows provide many benefits for students. Back in 1987, Doug Scheer recognized a strong need ...
Celebrate Black History Month with a professional assembly show.

Celebrate Black History with Assembly Show Performances 

There's no better way to celebrate Black History Month than with a professional assembly show. Hiring an outside company to ...

Towards of the end of 2019 I did an interview with The Variety Artist podcast about the business of doing school assembly shows. I also shared some behind the scenes secrets of successful school show performers!

Regardless if you’re a performer yourself or a potential client interested in hiring me for a school show, I think this interview nicely reveals who I am and what my shows are all about.

*I broke down my interview into XXX segments to help you pinpoint the information you find the most appealing. All dialogue is unedited to preserve the voice of a live podcast interview. *

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