Celebrate Black History with Assembly Show Performances 

Celebrate Black History Month with a professional assembly

There’s no better way to celebrate Black History Month than with a professional assembly show.

Celebrate Black History Month with a professional assembly show.

Hiring an outside company to present Black History information to your elementary students will save your teachers effort, time and resources.

Popular Black History Month performers include storytellers, historical impersonators, and authors, but the presenter you choose should appeal to a wide range of ages and grade levels.

The Diversity Circus Assembly Show is a popular choice for Martin Luther King Jr observances, as well as Black History Month celebrations in elementary schools.

Celebrate Black History Month with a professional assembly show.

Much of the Diversity Circus Assembly Show focuses on the messages of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and transforms his “I Have a Dream” speech into an amazing magical illusion. 

Dr. King wanted us to remember that people should not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. To emphasize this message, a boy is invited on stage as The Amazing See-Thru Kid. Amazingly, this child’s midsection is made transparent so that the audience can see that while people all have different dreams, ideas, beliefs, and character traits, they have one thing in common: We all have exactly the same feelings or emotions. 

With the help of Smudgy the Clown and Ringmaster Doug, the show teaches lessons about fairness, inclusion, awareness and respect.

Celebrate Black History Month with a professional assembly show.

When not playing Spike the Bully or Smudgy the Clown in our programs, Heidi is heavily involved in working to make our world more inclusive and fair. Seen here with Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr.

To learn more about classroom activities for Black History Month celebrations:

To book a Diversity Circus performance and learn more: