This school show blog is the continuation of a series aimed at school performers to assist in creating the best possible performances. I truly believe that by helping others raise the bar on their programs, everyone benefits.
Elementary school assembly shows, a popular method for reinforcing classroom lessons, are taking on a new level of spectacle. Professional assembly show companies are revolutionizing the traditional educational experience with the use of technology, music, and custom costumes.
The use of technology has become a game-changer for assembly shows. With affordable screen printing and the ability to hire artists to create captivating designs, backdrops and set pieces now have the power to captivate students from the moment they walk into the gymnasium. The visual impact of these shows is a key factor in boosting student engagement and retention.
WonderImagery creates incredibly affordable and durable backdrops that are perfect for traveling assembly show performers.
In addition to visual elements, sound plays a crucial role in enhancing the theatrical experience. The incorporation of digital music and wireless microphones not only elevates the performance but also immerses students in a truly theatrical experience. The use of music and sound effects before, during, and after the show adds an extra layer of engagement that traditional assembly shows lack.
AudioApe is the leader in remote control technology used for music, lighting and sound effects by professional assembly show performers around the world.
Furthermore, custom costumes tailored to the storyline and characters bring an added level of authenticity to the performance. It is crucial for performers to embody the essence of their roles, and custom-designed costumes play a pivotal role in achieving this goal. With the internet serving as a treasure trove of resources, finding or creating the perfect costume pieces has never been easier.
These innovative strategies are transforming assembly shows into unforgettable experiences. By embracing the tools of theater, assembly show performers are not only reinforcing lessons but also creating lasting memories for elementary school students. As the demand for more engaging educational experiences grows, the use of spectacle in educational school shows is sure to become the new standard.
At Scheer Genius Assembly shows, I’ve written the book on making school shows the best they can be. To purchase my book, Entertaining Education.
Learn more about our 12 assembly shows: