Booking An Assembly Show

Doug Scheer shows for K-6 schools

Booking An Assembly Show

So, you’re booking an assembly show for your school but are having a hard time getting ahold of companies?

Reach out to me directly, anytime for a quick response and easy booking process if you’re with a school in the Midwest. 

Why aren’t assembly performers calling you back?

In today’s fast-paced world, communication is key. Whether it is a simple phone call or an email, quick responses are expected and appreciated. However, it seems that this basic principle is often forgotten or overlooked by many assembly performers. As a professional assembly show presenter, I have heard countless stories from frustrated PTA mothers and principals who have received no response from artists who have contacted them.

This lack of communication leaves them confused and disappointed. It’s an assembly presenter’s primary responsibility to respond to calls or emails, so why don’t they?

There is a reason for this common problem that those responsible for booking performances are often unaware of.

There is a popular website that claims to represent numerous assembly performers. But the truth is far from what it seems.

Making it easier when booking an assembly show by contacting the performer directly, like me, Doug Scheer of Scheer Genius Assembly Shows.

This is what they don’t want you to know about aggregate websites for assembly shows

Some websites charge assembly performers for leads, which results in them receiving an email informing them of an inquiry, but concealing the identity of the interested party. A fee must be paid by the assembly presenter to find out who has shown interest.

This practice has led many assembly companies to ignore such leads, resulting in frustrated customers waiting patiently for a response that may never come.

This unfortunate situation often leaves a negative impression of the assembly company that could have easily been avoided if proper communication channels had been established.

Making it easier when booking an assembly show by contacting the performer directly, like me, Doug Scheer of Scheer Genius Assembly Shows.

This is one company charges assembly performers for leads. If you use them, you may not hear back. 

So what can you do to ensure a smooth process when booking an assembly show for your school? When you come across a potential performer on an aggregate assembly show website (that’s a site that lists multiple performers from around the country), be sure to do your own research.

Take the time to do a Google search on the name of the performer or show and contact him/her directly. Reputable assembly show performers have their contact information readily available, and if you contact them directly, you are more likely to receive a prompt and personal response to your inquiry.

There is a difference between a management team and a for profit lead generation website

As someone who has been involved in the productions of assembly shows for over 30 years, I understand the importance of open communication. That’s why I’m not just a name on a website or a faceless booking service. I am the person who personally comes to your show to give your audience an unforgettable experience.

You can book my services directly or, if you’re outside of the Midwest, work through my management team to add my shows to our touring schedule. They will take care of the contracts, billing and follow up. Since we travel outside of Michigan to New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia about 5 times every year, this team is very responsive and will make the booking process effortless. 

Making it easier when booking an assembly show by contacting the performer directly, like me, Doug Scheer of Scheer Genius Assembly Shows.

This company manages our tour schedule outside of the Midwest. They are thorough, highly responsive, and will make booking one of our assembly shows a breeze. 

If you’d like to learn more about the assembly shows that we at Scheer Genius Assembly Shows offer, feel free to contact us directly. Whether you prefer to call or text (248) 891-1900 or visit our website, I am readily available to get you the information you need. I don’t pressure or bother with constant emails, but I do believe in transparency, excellence, and providing the best possible experience for every school. 

In summary, it’s important to recognize the importance of effective communication in the world of educational assembly shows.  By taking the initiative to reach out directly to the performers and doing thorough research, you can avoid the frustration and disappointment that comes from unanswered inquiries. Remember that a little extra effort at the beginning can lead to a truly remarkable and memorable assembly show experience for your school.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Doug Scheer