The Unsung Heroes of the Elementary School Assembly Shows

Some elementary assembly shows are held in the local high school's auditorium where getting ready can be a huge, but often thankless, job.
Some elementary assembly shows are held in the local high school’s auditorium where getting ready can be a huge, but often thankless, job.

In the intricate ecosystem of an elementary school, where countless roles interplay to create a nurturing environment, one often overlooked figure stands as the linchpin of seamless operations—the school custodian. While teachers, office staff, and principals undoubtedly have pivotal roles, it is the custodian who quietly ensures that the school’s daily rhythms flow without a hitch. For elementary school assembly performers, recognizing and valuing the custodian’s indispensable contributions can be the key to a truly successful event.

This is Quinton. Our new best friend and a world champion assembly show loading out assistant.
This is Quinton, our new best friend and a world champion assembly show loading out assistant.

Imagine walking into a school, ready to captivate a young audience with your elementary school performance. Who ensures that the cafeteria is spotless and ready for rows of eager children after a whirlwind lunch? Who arranges chairs along the gymnasium’s perimeter so teachers can comfortably enjoy the show? Who can silence a disruptive blower or swiftly dry a slippery floor? The custodian, with their comprehensive knowledge of the school’s infrastructure and their remarkable versatility, is the unsung hero who makes magic happen behind the scenes.

Elementary school assembly performers often focus on dazzling the audience, but the real groundwork for a stellar assembly show begins with the environment. A clean, well-arranged, and welcoming space sets the stage for success. This is where the custodian’s role becomes critically important. Beyond maintaining cleanliness, they manage the logistics that can make or break an event. They open doors, remove partitions for oversized props, guide you to convenient loading areas, and even offer sanctuary in their often modest offices for costume changes or moments of quiet reflection between shows.

Sometimes the stage is not the best place for an assembly presentation. No custodian can be expected to move all this junk.
Sometimes the stage is not the best place for an assembly presentation. No custodian can be expected to move all this junk.

Yet, the custodian’s willingness to go above and beyond hinges on a simple yet profound principle: respect. Treating the custodian with the same dignity and appreciation as any other school staff member can foster a relationship built on mutual respect and cooperation. A warm introduction, a handshake, and the use of their first name are small gestures that signal your recognition of their crucial role.

Physical laborers in schools are frequently underappreciated, their contributions overshadowed by more visible roles. Acknowledging the custodian’s hard work not only elevates their morale but also ensures a smoother collaboration. When a custodian feels valued, they are more likely to extend themselves to meet your needs, ensuring that every aspect of your performance environment is optimized.

After your assembly show performance, a heartfelt thank you can leave a lasting impression. This simple act of gratitude can translate into future opportunities, as the custodian’s praise might just be the deciding factor in securing your next invitation. Their endorsement can carry significant weight, often more than one might initially realize.

The best custodians know how to turn setting up for an assembly show into a game.
The best custodians know how to turn setting up for an assembly show into a game.

In conclusion, the custodian is not just a background character in the story of your school assembly show performance— they are a key player whose influence is pivotal. By befriending the custodian, you gain an invaluable ally who can help transform your assembly show from good to extraordinary. So, the next time you step into an elementary school to ready your props for your educational performance, remember to seek out the custodian, extend a hand of friendship, and recognize their indispensable role in the success of your performance. The rewards, as you will soon discover, are tremendous. 

Please visit to learn more about the 12 shows we offer to elementary schools throughout Michigan and surrounding states.