Red Ribbon and Respect Week Assembly Show

The Red Ribbon and Respect week assembly show that you don’t want to miss

Doug Scheer presents an oversized story of Aesops Fable to teach respect during a Diversity Circus Assembly Show.
Doug Scheer presents an oversized story of Aesops Fable to teach respect.

In our ever-evolving society, the concept of diversity has taken on new dimensions. When we hear the term “diversity,” we often associate it solely with aspects such as skin color or sexual orientation. However, to confine diversity to these limited categories would do a disservice to its true essence. True diversity transcends physical attributes and instead celebrates the uniqueness of each individual.

Elementary schools are continuing to focus on character education in the classrooms, as part of the culture, and in extra curricular events. One great way to introduce the message of acceptance for all is through a dynamic and exciting assembly show. Scheer Genius assembly shows can help with that. One particular school show of ours is popular as a back to school program to kick off the coming year’s theme of unity and acceptance. It’s a great show for Red Ribbon Week celebrated nationwide in elementary schools across the US. 

A trailer full of props, costumes and backdrops make this show stand out. 

Doug Scheer presents an oversized story of Aesops Fable to teach respect during a Diversity Circus Assembly Show.
Hey, silly clown, “That’s not a flag!”

In our Diversity Circus elementary School assembly show, we have been ardently imparting lessons on diversity for over 15 years. Through the medium of a captivating circus-styled magic and illusion show, we not only entertain but also instill important character traits in young minds. Our aim is to foster fairness, awareness, inclusivity, and respect in the hearts of children.

When we talk about fairness, we encourage children to refrain from making assumptions about others. We emphasize the importance of allowing individuals the opportunity to showcase their abilities and talents, rather than preemptively deciding their worth. By doing so, we nurture an environment where everyone feels valued and acknowledged for their unique contributions.

Awareness is another crucial facet of diversity. We emphasize to children that while we are all inherently different, we also share commonalities. In line with the teachings of the great Martin Luther King Jr., we implore young minds to look beyond external appearances and seek to understand the essence of a person. By focusing on inner qualities, we encourage children to develop empathy and a genuine appreciation for the richness of human experiences.

Inclusion is a fundamental pillar of our message. We urge children to prioritize the needs and perspectives of others before their own. This can be as simple as allowing someone to cut in line or giving others a chance to go first on the swing set. By fostering a sense of inclusivity, children learn the importance of sharing, kindness, and embracing the diversity of ideas and backgrounds.

Doug Scheer presents a Diversity Circus Assembly Show.
“It’s easy to include everyone when you think of other people first.”

Lastly, we underscore the significance of respect. Through our show, we emphasize the golden rule of treating others as you would like to be treated. By nurturing a culture of respect, we empower children to navigate the complexities of a diverse world with grace and compassion.

Kick off your school year by sharing a message that everyone can agree on. 

Our message may seem simple, but it holds immense power. Our aim is to equip children with the tools necessary to navigate a world that is increasingly interconnected and diverse. By embracing the principles of fairness, awareness, inclusion, and respect, we cultivate a generation of individuals who celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of every person they encounter.

To learn more about our transformative Diversity Circus Assembly Show and our other character-building programs, we invite you to contact us. Together, let us embark on a journey of fostering understanding, acceptance, and unity in our diverse world.